Android Auto is getting a redesign again. In this article, we will tell you about the new update of Android Auto and which new features it’s going to recieve.
Goggle never settles with the same design for its Android Auto. It keeps adding new features in it. It already had a good interface according to the users but Google keeps improving it. This time Google has two new features to the Beta users which are as follows –
Android Auto is getting a redesign
In the latest Beta version, Google changed the interface for the Google Assistant. From now on, it will show you a “Hi, how can I help you?” Tab at the bottom like shown in the picture below.

Whatever you say to the Assistant, Google will transcribe it on the screen. Although, the reply of Google Assistant will play loud but will not be displayed on the screen.
Voice Reply feature also got a revamp
This feature was already there in Android Auto but now it will use any area of the screen which is not in use at that time and one panel will be visible which will show the Speak now prompt and also the send and cancel buttons. The profile picture and name of that person will be visible next to these buttons.
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Everything that you speak, it will transcribe. A small icon of the app that you are using will also be visible. Currently this feature is only available for Beta users but will be soon available for all users.

There are some speculations that in future Google might introduce the feature to summarise the message using AI.
That was all about Android Auto is getting a Redesign. Do comment down your thoughts about these new features and keep visiting Gizmo Spark to stay updated with latest tech.