You might have heard this somewhere- Flat display in smartphones is better and more practical than curved display. Ever wondered why? Let’s discuss that in today’s article! We will explain why a flat display is better than a curved one.

The biggest issue with the curved panels is their durability. No matter how strong protection a brand provides in its phone, if it’s a curved display, it has a higher chance of getting damaged even from getting dropped from a small height.

Low Repair Cost
Curved displays are generally more expensive and so is their repair cost. It increases the price of the phone. Also, if you accidentally damage your phone’s screen, the replacement cost will be higher if it has a curved screen and will be lower if it is a flat panel.
Less Accidental Touches
The chances of accidental touches on flat-display smartphones are generally lower than those of curved ones. However, brands are trying to resolve this issue but still, a flat-screen is better in this regard.
Better Gaming Experience
A flat-screen is considered a better option for gamers and there is a reason behind it! Multiple games have controls on corners and in curved displays, it’s hard to reach those controls and sometimes, the user accidentally touches that space. It disturbs the gaming experience.
Better Availability of Screen Guards
The biggest issue with curved screens is that the availability of normal screen guards is bad whereas you can easily find a screen guard/tempered glass for your flat display smartphone.
Also, the screen guards for curved screens are generally more expensive than those for flat displays. Another issue is that you can’t find a normal tempered glass that easily. You will have to settle with either a thin membrane screen protector film made of plastic or a UV glue tempered glass. The issue with the UV glass is that it is hard to remove from your phone and it can even damage your display with time. Also, it may void your smartphone’s warranty if the glue enters inside the phone.

An X (formerly Twitter) user named Trolling Is An Art shared a video regarding the same issue where a user applied a UV screen guard on his phone and when he tried to remove it, it wasn’t easy. Also, the glue was not getting removed from the display –
Is Curved Display Bad?
No! The curved screen isn’t bad! It looks more premium to many users including me and that’s why brands started providing curved displays in their phones. There is nothing bad in buying a phone which has a curved display but you will have to be more careful.
A glass is a glass, and glass can break! Having a flat-screen smartphone doesn’t guarantee that your smartphone’s screen is unbreakable but it surely has less chance of getting damaged from drops. If you can be careful, there isn’t any issue in buying a curved display smartphone.
Talking about repair cost, it is a matter to think about but if you are careful then there are fewer chances of the display getting damaged. Smartphone brands have reduced accidental touches by a huge margin and even I use a curved display smartphone and don’t face any accidental touches in day-to-day use. Even if you are a casual gamer, there isn’t any major issue but if you are a hardcore gamer, a flat display is a better option for you!
The screen guard availability is a big issue with curved displays but you can apply a thin screen protector film which will protect your phone from scratches and a good quality back case with uplifted corners to protect the phone in case of a drop..

Quad-Curved Display: Future of Curved Displays?
Nowadays, a new trend of quad-curved displays is starting. Let’s discuss why it can be a better option than the traditional side-curved displays!
According to me, the quad-curved display has resolved the issue of accidental touches and it looks more premium as compared to the traditional side-curved displays but the issue of tempered glass availability will be more on this display.
What I think is that every type of display will be used on phones and the user will choose according to his requirements.

Conclusion: Which one should you buy?
Every user has different requirements and he can buy any device that ticks all his requirements. While a flat display is better for gaming purposes, many people will agree with me that the curved display provides a more premium experience.
This was all about why flat display in smartphones is better than curved display. Tell us in the comments whether you agree with our points or not. If you have any other questions, free feel to ask us in the comments!
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